SHIVANI AGARWAL, MD, MPH, is the associate director of the Fleischer Institute for Diabetes and Metabolism, director of Type 1 Diabetes Programs, director of the SEAD (Supporting Emerging Adults With Diabetes) program, and an assistant professor of medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, NY.

Extending from her clinical focus, Dr. Agarwal’s research concentrates on clinical and behavioral interventions in young adults with type 1 diabetes, as well as racial and socioeconomic disparities in type 1 diabetes, especially with regard to the use of diabetes technology, and incorporation of social determinants of health into diabetes care delivery and research. Her work is currently funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, JDRF, the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Chartiable Trust, and the T1D Exchange.

In addition to her clinical and research pursuits, Dr. Agarwal serves on the American Diabetes Association’s Healthcare Disparities Committee and the Endocrine Society’s Innovative Models in Diabetes Care Task Force and Advocacy and Public Outreach Core Committee.

Diabetes Spectrum associate editor Jane K. Dickinson, RN, PhD, CDCES, coordinated this From Research to Practice section.

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