MICHAEL C. RIDDELL is a professor in the School of Kinesiology and Health Science and the Muscle Health Research Centre at York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He is also a senior scientist at LMC Diabetes and Manna Research in Toronto. His research interests center on the effects of exercise and stress on diabetes and metabolism.
Dr. Riddell holds a doctorate in physiology/pharmacology from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, where he conducted studies on hypoglycemia prevention during exercise in children living with type 1 diabetes. He completed his postdoctoral studies at the University of Toronto with Dr. Mladen Vranic (a postdoctoral student of the renowned Dr. Charles H. Best), during which he conducted studies on the impact of stress hormones on diabetes-related metabolism.
A prolific author, Dr. Riddell has published more than 200 peer-reviewed journal articles, 27 book chapters, and one patient guidebook on the metabolic and hormonal responses to exercise and stress in diabetes and has coauthored several international guidelines on exercise and diabetes. He also engages with numerous community-based diabetes and sports educational programs that enhance diabetes self-care behaviors in people living with type 1 diabetes.
Dr. Riddell has been living with type 1 diabetes since the age of 14 years.
Diabetes Spectrum Associate Editor Susana R. Patton, PhD, CDCES, coordinated this From Research to Practice section.