Each year, Diabetes Spectrum calls on many scientific and medical experts in the field of diabetes to critically review submitted manuscripts. The journal’s editors and staff sincerely appreciate these reviewers, whose valuable feedback helps to ensure the high quality of the research and review articles published in each issue. We would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank all of the reviewers who have volunteered their time and expertise in the past year (1 November 2022 to 31 October 2023) for their contributions to Diabetes Spectrum.

Zulfiqarali Abbas

Jo Ann Ahern

Anastasia Albanese-O’Neill

Charles Alexander

Nancy A. Allen

Joseph Aloi

Amutha Anandakumar

Palur Ramakrishnan Anand Vijayakumar

Jennifer Averyt

Kamran Aziz

Sandra Barbalho

L. Maria Belalcazar

Natalie Bellini

Nicole Bereolos

Richard Bergenstal

Stephanie Berger

Angelina Bernier

Jonathan Brocklehurst

Lisanne Brown

Amy Butts

Renee Cadzow

Siddardha Chandrupatla

Maureen Chomko

Jennifer Clements

John Clements

Mark Clements

Eduardo Colon

Carla Cox

Miguel Cruz

Kenneth Cusi

Jeffrey Dahlen

Maartje de Wit

Jenny Dejesus

Jane K. Dickinson

Kacie Doyle-Delgado

Danny Duke

Osagie Ebekozien

Michael Edmonds

Laya Ekhlaspour

Paul Enlow

Sarina Fazio

Anne Fleetwood

Bradley Fox

Pravesh Guness

Michael Haller

Charlotte Hayes

Amber Healy

Joseph Herges

Amy Hess-Fischl

Laurence Hirsch

Yen-Ming Huang

Jamie Huff

Allyson Hughes

Diana Isaacs

Scott Jacober

Eric Johnson

Caitlin Kelly

Sarah Kim

Venkata Kodali

Kathryn Kreider

Mervyn Kyi

Camlyn Masuda

Ryan McDonough

Marilyn Miller

Rachel G. Miller

Razel Milo

Basem Mishriky

Joy Moverley

Brandon Nathan

David Newland

Ashley Ng

Ellen O’Donnell

Katherine O’Neal

Mary Perry

Kim Pfotenhauer

Jessica Pierce

Katia Portero Sloan

Kaveh Pourhamidi

Nicolette Powe

Elizabeth Quintana

Neesha Ramchandani

Julio Rebolledo

Sara Reece

Michael Riddell

Brianna Routh

Godfrey Rwegerera

Dawn Satterfield

Alissa Segal

Laura Shane-McWhorter

Linda Siminerio

Gerald Sng

Kathleen Stanley

Alyce Thomas

Janiece Trast

Paula Trief

Curtis Triplitt

Jennifer M. Trujillo

Jeffrey VanWormer

Venugopal Vijayakumar

Marcos Villarreal

Eva Vivian

Rachel Wasserman

Katherine Wentzell

Najat Yahia

Jimin Yang

Yuting Ye

Elizabeth Yett

Margaret Zupa

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