Table 2

Scores on the DTSQc questionnaire at the end of the study

QuestionControl group (n = 36)Intervention group (n = 46)P
Satisfied with current treatment 2.50 (0.85) 2.28 (1.11) 0.458 
Convenience of treatment 1.92 (1.18) 2.33 (1.14) 0.052 
Flexibility of treatment 1.61 (1.59) 2.28 (1.28) 0.019 
Willingness to recommend treatment to someone else 2.19 (1.04) 2.61 (0.86) 0.023 
Satisfied to continue present form of treatment 2.17 (1.32) 2.50 (1.05) 0.084 
Average score for each question (per patient) 2.18 (0.83) 2.47 (0.77) 0.053 
Perceived frequency of hyperglycemia 0.64 (1.69) 0.87 (1.73) 0.490 
Perceived frequency of hypoglycemia 0.75 (1.57) 1.41 (1.29) 0.066 
QuestionControl group (n = 36)Intervention group (n = 46)P
Satisfied with current treatment 2.50 (0.85) 2.28 (1.11) 0.458 
Convenience of treatment 1.92 (1.18) 2.33 (1.14) 0.052 
Flexibility of treatment 1.61 (1.59) 2.28 (1.28) 0.019 
Willingness to recommend treatment to someone else 2.19 (1.04) 2.61 (0.86) 0.023 
Satisfied to continue present form of treatment 2.17 (1.32) 2.50 (1.05) 0.084 
Average score for each question (per patient) 2.18 (0.83) 2.47 (0.77) 0.053 
Perceived frequency of hyperglycemia 0.64 (1.69) 0.87 (1.73) 0.490 
Perceived frequency of hypoglycemia 0.75 (1.57) 1.41 (1.29) 0.066 

Data are means (SD). P values were calculated using the Wilcoxon rank sum test.

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