Table 2

Key outcomes by treatment group

Overall value at baseline, mean (SD)*Change from baseline at week 56, LSM (SE)
Estimated treatment difference [95% CI]P value
Semaglutide 1.0 mgExenatide ER 2.0 mg
HbA1c, % 8.3 (0.95) −1.5 (0.06) −0.9 (0.06) −0.62 [–0.80, –0.44] <0.0001  
HbA1c, mmol/mol 67.7 (10.4) −16.8 (0.68) −10.0 (0.70) −6.78 [–8.70, –4.86] <0.0001  
FPG, mmol/L 10.5 (2.7) −2.8 (0.13) −2.0 (0.14) −0.84 [–1.21, –0.47] <0.0001  
7-Point SMPG, mmol/L      
 Mean 10.9 (2.5) −2.2 (0.10) −1.5 (0.10) −0.73 [–1.02, –0.44] <0.0001 
 Increment 2.2 (1.9) −0.6 (0.07) −0.3 (0.07) −0.24 [–0.44, –0.04] 0.0189  
Body weight, kg 95.8 (21.5) −5.6 (0.29) −1.9 (0.29) −3.78 [–4.58, –2.98] <0.0001  
BMI, kg/m2 33.8 (6.7) −2.0 (0.10) −0.6 (0.10) −1.36 [–1.64, –1.07] <0.0001  
Waist circumference, cm 111.2 (14.5) −5.1 (0.31) −2.3 (0.32) −2.76 [–3.63, –1.89] <0.0001  
Blood pressure, mmHg      
 Systolic 133.5 (14.5) −4.6 (0.68) −2.2 (0.70) −2.37 [–4.29, –0.45] 0.0158 
 Diastolic 79.9 (8.7) −1.0 (0.45) −0.1 (0.46) −0.90 [–2.16, 0.36] 0.1616  
Pulse rate, bpm 75.1 (10.5) 2.1 (0.44) 1.1 (0.44) 1.03 [−0.19, 2.25] 0.0973  
  Subjects achieving target at week 56,‡ n (%)   
HbA1c targets      
 <7.0% (<53 mmol/mol)  270 (67) 161 (40)  <0.0001 
 ≤6.5% (≤48 mmol/mol)  190 (47) 89 (22)  <0.0001  
HbA1c target <7.0% (<53 mmol/mol) without severe or BG-confirmed hypoglycemia and no weight gain at week 56  226 (56) 113 (28)  <0.0001  
Body weight reduction      
 ≥5%  212 (52) 70 (17)  <0.0001 
 ≥10%  86 (21) 18 (4)  <0.0001
Overall value at baseline, mean (SD)*Change from baseline at week 56, LSM (SE)
Estimated treatment difference [95% CI]P value
Semaglutide 1.0 mgExenatide ER 2.0 mg
HbA1c, % 8.3 (0.95) −1.5 (0.06) −0.9 (0.06) −0.62 [–0.80, –0.44] <0.0001  
HbA1c, mmol/mol 67.7 (10.4) −16.8 (0.68) −10.0 (0.70) −6.78 [–8.70, –4.86] <0.0001  
FPG, mmol/L 10.5 (2.7) −2.8 (0.13) −2.0 (0.14) −0.84 [–1.21, –0.47] <0.0001  
7-Point SMPG, mmol/L      
 Mean 10.9 (2.5) −2.2 (0.10) −1.5 (0.10) −0.73 [–1.02, –0.44] <0.0001 
 Increment 2.2 (1.9) −0.6 (0.07) −0.3 (0.07) −0.24 [–0.44, –0.04] 0.0189  
Body weight, kg 95.8 (21.5) −5.6 (0.29) −1.9 (0.29) −3.78 [–4.58, –2.98] <0.0001  
BMI, kg/m2 33.8 (6.7) −2.0 (0.10) −0.6 (0.10) −1.36 [–1.64, –1.07] <0.0001  
Waist circumference, cm 111.2 (14.5) −5.1 (0.31) −2.3 (0.32) −2.76 [–3.63, –1.89] <0.0001  
Blood pressure, mmHg      
 Systolic 133.5 (14.5) −4.6 (0.68) −2.2 (0.70) −2.37 [–4.29, –0.45] 0.0158 
 Diastolic 79.9 (8.7) −1.0 (0.45) −0.1 (0.46) −0.90 [–2.16, 0.36] 0.1616  
Pulse rate, bpm 75.1 (10.5) 2.1 (0.44) 1.1 (0.44) 1.03 [−0.19, 2.25] 0.0973  
  Subjects achieving target at week 56,‡ n (%)   
HbA1c targets      
 <7.0% (<53 mmol/mol)  270 (67) 161 (40)  <0.0001 
 ≤6.5% (≤48 mmol/mol)  190 (47) 89 (22)  <0.0001  
HbA1c target <7.0% (<53 mmol/mol) without severe or BG-confirmed hypoglycemia and no weight gain at week 56  226 (56) 113 (28)  <0.0001  
Body weight reduction      
 ≥5%  212 (52) 70 (17)  <0.0001 
 ≥10%  86 (21) 18 (4)  <0.0001

Values are observed means, or observed proportions, based on “on treatment without rescue medication” data from subjects in the full analysis set, with the exception of pulse rate values, which are based on “on-treatment” data from subjects in the safety analysis set. LSM, least squares mean.

*Baseline values are for the entire trial population.

P values are two-sided, testing the null hypothesis of no treatment difference. ‡For the proportions of subjects achieving targets at week 56, missing data were imputed from a mixed model for repeated measurements and subsequently classified. Severe hypoglycemia was based on the ADA classification. BG-confirmed hypoglycemia was defined as plasma glucose <3.1 mmol/L (56 mg/dL).

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