Table 2

Characteristics of study participants compared with the Australian general population

Participant characteristicCDAH study sampleAustralian general population
Current smokers*   
    Men 23 34 
    Women 20 26 
    Men 51.7 40 
    Women 48.3 35 
Overweight and obese   
    Men 62 58 
    Women 38 35 
Antidepressant use 3.6 
    Men 5.4 5.8 
    Women 11.7 10.1 
Participant characteristicCDAH study sampleAustralian general population
Current smokers*   
    Men 23 34 
    Women 20 26 
    Men 51.7 40 
    Women 48.3 35 
Overweight and obese   
    Men 62 58 
    Women 38 35 
Antidepressant use 3.6 
    Men 5.4 5.8 
    Women 11.7 10.1 

Data are %.

*Current smokers include those who smoke daily or weekly.

†Overweight and obese includes individuals with a BMI ≥25 kg/m2.

‡Depression assessment for the Australian general population was undertaken using the mood module of the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) instrument. Scoring to determine depression “caseness” used the PRIME-MD method for detection of DSM-IV diagnoses.

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