Within-family association of −23Hph1 and birth weight according to maternal diabetes

IntervalDiabetes status of mothernwP
Before birth of child Diabetes 19 −91 0.84 
 No diabetes 136 −187 0.09 
Before or up to 5 years Diabetes 45 −347 0.12 
 after birth of child No diabetes 104 −143 0.27 
Before or up to 10 Diabetes 80 −321 0.03 
 years after birth of child No diabetes 73 −89 0.46 
Before or up to 15 Diabetes 107 −299 0.01 
 years after birth of child No diabetes 58 −103 0.40 
IntervalDiabetes status of mothernwP
Before birth of child Diabetes 19 −91 0.84 
 No diabetes 136 −187 0.09 
Before or up to 5 years Diabetes 45 −347 0.12 
 after birth of child No diabetes 104 −143 0.27 
Before or up to 10 Diabetes 80 −321 0.03 
 years after birth of child No diabetes 73 −89 0.46 
Before or up to 15 Diabetes 107 −299 0.01 
 years after birth of child No diabetes 58 −103 0.40 

Diabetes status is defined as “diabetes” when mother was diagnosed either before or up to 5, 10, or 15 years after birth of the child, and as “no diabetes” when mother was examined and found not to be diabetic after these intervals (e.g., after birth of child). Total numbers are less than those in Table 4, as this classification excludes some mothers (e.g., where diabetes has not been diagnosed, but examination has not taken place at a suitable interval after birth of the child). Birth weight is adjusted for sex, gestational age, and year of birth. β is given as effect of each T-allele above that expected given parental genotype (within-family effect, model 2).

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