Tidepool BGM log. A) Blood glucose values with color-coded dots, from low to high (red = <54, orange = <70, green = 70–180, lilac = >180, and purple = >250 mg/dL). B) Overlay of 14 days of blood glucose values graphed by time of day with average bars depicting 3-hour blocks, in green if blood glucose is 70–180 mg/dL. On the right panel is a “copy as text” feature, average glucose value with SD, and average daily readings in range (green; 70–180 mg/dL), above range (lilac; >180 mg/dL and purple; >250 mg/dL), and below range (orange; <70 mg/dL and red; <54 mg/dL).

Tidepool BGM log. A) Blood glucose values with color-coded dots, from low to high (red = <54, orange = <70, green = 70–180, lilac = >180, and purple = >250 mg/dL). B) Overlay of 14 days of blood glucose values graphed by time of day with average bars depicting 3-hour blocks, in green if blood glucose is 70–180 mg/dL. On the right panel is a “copy as text” feature, average glucose value with SD, and average daily readings in range (green; 70–180 mg/dL), above range (lilac; >180 mg/dL and purple; >250 mg/dL), and below range (orange; <70 mg/dL and red; <54 mg/dL).

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